Jasdeep Singh
Business in Small Bytes
Jasdeep Singh
Business in Small Bytes
Knowledge and ideas are central to any business.
Let’s get down to the business of learning!
Recent Posts
Finances for Your Side-Hustle
Finances for Your Side-Hustle Side-hustles are an increasingly popular way to increase income and cash flow. There are countless articles about why and how to start one but few on what should you do with this extra income. The goal of this article is to open the...
Rural Medicine – Endangered Profession and Patients
With the state of American health care and COVID-19 both front and center in the last election and in our everyday lives, this topic seems to be overlooked amidst the politicking, shouting, and lack depth in what is offered as news. The inequality in our healthcare...
5 Tips to Maintain Cash Flow for Small Businesses
Cash flow is the life-blood of any business. This becomes even more elemental to a small business that needs a steady stream of incoming cash to pay its suppliers, employees, and utilities. The pandemic has created a situation of extreme distress for most small...
I am an MBA-graduate from UConn from CT with years of experience as an educator and organizational leader. This journey of learning as well as my many professional roles have led me to learn as much about business as possible to become successful as the Chief Operating Officer for 3BC and a start-up and small business consultant.
Research and listening to my clients serve as the basis for my approach. Business owners are busy people who have a lot on the line and it is my job to be a partner for growth. This work has led me to learn how to quickly breakdown complex topics into clear and focused points of discussion in finance, marketing, and overall strategy.