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Jasdeep Singh 

Business in Small Bytes

Jasdeep Singh 

Business in Small Bytes

man holding idea bulb, Jasdeep Singh,

Knowledge and ideas are central to any business.


Let’s get down to the business of learning!

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The True Value of Post-Secondary Education

The True Value of Post-Secondary Education

The True Value of Post-Secondary Education You've probably heard it said that you can't put a price on education. But what is the true value of obtaining a post-secondary education? Is it really worth the time, money, and effort it takes to achieve a degree? It can be...

I am an MBA-graduate from UConn from CT with years of experience as an educator and organizational leader. This journey of learning as well as my many professional roles have led me to learn as much about business as possible to become successful as the Chief Operating Officer for 3BC and a start-up and small business consultant.

Research and listening to my clients serve as the basis for my approach. Business owners are busy people who have a lot on the line and it is my job to be a partner for growth. This work has led me to learn how to quickly breakdown complex topics into clear and focused points of discussion in finance, marketing, and overall strategy.

Jasdeep Singh

My goal is to share information with you to hopefully interest you but also provoke a conversation.


Jasdeep Singh

West Hartford, Connecticut

Contact Jasdeep Singh